Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (The Lunar Chronicles # 2)

Young Adult. Science Fiction. Fairytale Retelling. Romance. 

Re-read for the nth time. 

Rating: 4/5

Pages: 452

Started: 27 December 2023
Finished: 27 December 2023

    Scarlet Benoit's grandmere has been missing for weeks, and no one is doing anything about it. When Wolf, a streetfighter with information about her grandmother's capture, shows up on her doorstep, Scarlet sets aside her wariness and follows him to Paris, where he promises her grandmother is being held by the cult he recently escaped from. 
    Cinder is the missing Lunar princess Selene. And while she's entirely unsure what to do about it, she does know she needs to escape from prison before Levana takes her back to Luna to be killed. Accompanied by accidental ally and coincidental illegal ship-owner Carswell Thorne, Cinder sets off to locate Michelle Benoit, one of the few people allegedly involved in smuggling young Selene from Levana's grasp. 
    Emperor Kai has very limited options, and Queen Levana holds all the cards. She has a letumosis antidote, Lunar mind control, and an army of mutant wolf-men at the ready. All Kai has is a deep love for his people and the ability to sign away his life through a marriage proposal. But as Levana unleashes a series of attacks on innocent citizens across the globe, Kai realizes he doesn't have the luxury to be reticent.

    I have always considered this book the true middle book of the series; its plot feels rather transient and hard to pin down, since it's mostly just set-up for the next book. Cinder's escape doesn't have much of a plot arc, especially. And during this re-read I was a little less impressed by Scarlet and Wolf's chemistry than I remember being in the past. That being said, I did really enjoy reading this book. The writing was excellent, the settings and scenes detailed and dynamic, and reading Cinder and Thorne's dynamic made me very happy. There isn't as much to say about this book as I'm sure there will be for the rest of the series, but I had so much fun reading this in one sitting. It was very cozy, and I am looking foward to the rest of the re-read.