Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater (The Dreamer Trilogy # 2)

Young Adult. Art. Magic. Mystery. 

Rating: 4.5/5

Pages: 340

Started: 29 June 2023
Finished: 30 June 2023

    The ley lines are growing weaker, and the dreamed are beginning to wander. Matthew keeps finding himself at the same waterfall with no memory of how he got there. When he learns that he is one of Ronan's creations, he is forced to come to terms with the extent of his own realness. Jordan hates the fact that she is inexorably tied to Hennessy's life force. She wants independence, to live and paint and be for herself--and possibly also for Declan Lynch. But the weakening ley-line weakens her, too, and despite her hunt for one of the rare objects that allows dreams to exist beyond the death of their dreamer, she knows that without a strong ley line she cannot continue to exist. 
    Led by the enigmatic Bryde, Ronan and Hennessy are attempting to fortify the ley lines. In dreams, they build weapons, and in reality they use them to demolish energy hubs--server farms, trash dumps, anywhere that human power interrupts ley energy--much to the fury of the Moderators. 
    Farooq-Lane, despite her wariness toward the Moderators' techniques, wants to save the world. Aided by Lilliana, the newest Visionary, she thinks she knows how. But Bryde is clever and cunning and determined and it becomes increasingly clear that stopping the end of the world may not look quite like she imagined. 

    This book is a work of art. Going into this book knowing that a perfect found family was not in the cards made its lack a little easier to take, and I was better able to enjoy the chaotic amalgam of names and images and feelings. Stiefvater really is brilliant. She wields words both humorously and efficiently, which creates something rich and entertaining to read. 
    The plot of this book was also very exciting. Again, this time I was prepared for the structure and characters and relationships and was able to enjoy it a lot more. Farooq-Lane and Lilliana? Bryde's origin? The people and things that are dreams? The people and things that are not? This was such an exciting book and I absolutely cannot wait to read the final book in the series soon. 

    "The brain had to be taught to see without feeling, and then to put feeling back in" (29). Just like in IGYTS! 
    "Bryde smiled faintly. He was a party of one. From mystery to mystery, that was where he was headed" (119). 
    "It had been so long since he'd wanted something to happen, instead of wanting something to not happen. He'd forgotten what it felt like. It was equal parts great and terrible. It burned" (164). This. 
    "Golden Matthew, charming the city .Rebellioous ROnan, finally growing into something useful. Cunning Declan, trafficking in art and stories. The Brothers Lynch" (219). Max is going to love this line. 
    "Ronan won. This was partially because he wasx shorter than Declan and thus more clandestine, but it was also because he wanted it more" (318). Maggie's ability to create an impression of both irreverence and truth is astounding

    Silage (n) grass or other green fodder, compacted and stored in air-tight conditions, specifically in a silo, without first being dried, to use as animal feed in the winter
    Feckless (adj) lacking initiative or strength of character
    Acrimony (n) bitterness or ill feeling (aka inner ick)
    Contrition (n) the state of feeling remorseful and penitent
    Finial (n) an ornament at the top, end, or corner of an object
    Subversively (adv) in a secret or indirect way