Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

An Examination of Samhain and Beltane Rituals in Contemporary Pagan Practice by Bruce Manson

Thesis. Paganism. Research. History. Religon. Nonfiction. 

Read as research for a Theology project. Not technically a book, but this was long enough and interesting enough that I'm going to count it. 

Pages: 154

Started: 13 February 2023
Finished: 21 February 2023

    Manson's thesis begins with the history of ancient Paganism, and describes the appearance of Neo-Paganism and the modern pathways of Wicca. It also describes and dissects the Samhain and Beltane rituals celebrated by several Canadian Pagan groups. 

    The history section of this thesis was fascinating. Who knew a dude named Gerald basically founded Neo-Paganism? It's fascinating. The rest of the thesis was admittedly dry, and a bit of a slog to get through,  but I'm super glad I read it, since I now have a much better understanding of ancient Paganism and how it transformed into the witches and rituals recognized today.

  • celts= group of Eastern European tribal groups 

  • druids were priestly caste of celts

  • celts made offering to the gods through the land—tree groves, sacred springs

  • a bunch of gods that are all one infinite god

    • male (dagda) and female counterpart (morrigan) who was equal to the male, pantheon of warrior gods and gods representing natural forces

  • time is very important, based on lunar cycle

  • samhain (and beltane are the two) most important festivals in ANCIENT paganisim

    • samhain is oct 31 to nov 2

    • samhain = end of summer, marked new celtic year. probably presided over by lugh god of light

    • time as we know it was suspended on samhain, tale Etain and the king of shadows

    • participation required at risk of madness and death. people assembed, tithes were had, every third samhain laws were reviewed in ireland

    • idea that the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. barrows holding gods opened, worlds intersected, living and dead communicated. druids would predict future

    • fires were put out and then relit, myths were acted out, sometimes via conjugal. king was symbolically killed via bull sacrifice and then restrenghtned. 

    • 3 day long meal, with lots of pig and wine for seeing future–the meal was a sacred ritual, and being drunk helped one traverse the veil

      • on beltane (may 1) the king symbolically slept with “the land.” there were maypoles and lots of sex

  • conclusion: elaborate events tied to natural world 

    • paganism→secret societies like freemasons→paganism again

    • 1850s non-spiritual occultism → revival of paganism 

    • the standardization of the triple moon goddess (maiden, mother, crone) came from the 1950s??

    • 1921 margaret murray created idea of coven of 13, and a coven was six couples and a leader

    • in the 50s gerald gardner synthesized info of paganism into The Book of Shadows with rituals, initiation, magic. 

  • reflections from people interviewed in study

    • one of most important festivals celebrated by modern pagans, idea of out old and in new. also has idea of honoring the dead and honoring ancestors. self-reflection and elimination of negativity

    • rituals must be organized before hand, with their purposes decided, since the energy created in them should be used well

    • pt 1: starts with purification and preparation, creation of sacred circle. similar deities from different religions (isis, hecate, cerridwen, persephone) are invoked. pt 2: reincarnation and cyclicality are read about. negativity is banished via chant and burning of papers in communal fire and reflection.sometimes some divination into the year to come pt 3: deities are thanked, the circle opened but not broken. 

    • a communal meal is the post-ritual activity for all groups surveyed. sharing food is grounding and community-building

    • some creation of energy via physical movement is done

    • tons of different sects and pathways, but everyone comes together to create energy, mourn the dead, and release negativity for the new year