Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater (The Raven Cycle # 2)

Young Adult. Found Family. Magical Realism. Urban Fantasy. Realistic Fiction. Magic. Dark Academia. 

Co-annotated with Ada. 

Rating: 4/5


Started: 14 August 2022
Finished: 16 August 2022

    Ronan Lynch can bring objects from his dreams into reality, just like his father, but unlike his father he doesn't know how to control it, and the monsters from his nightmares are beginning to put his friends and family in danger. Richard Gansey III has never felt as much himself as he does in Henrietta, and specifically Cabeswater. He can feel Glendower getting closer. Then Cabeswater goes missing, but Gansey is too busy being the logical one and shepharding his friends to show what a loss it is to him. Adam Parrish is afraid he's loosing himself. He can feel Cabeswater's presence creeping into his mind, but he's more worried about becoming as angry and violent as his father. And Blue Sargent, more than anything, wants to be something more. 
    They Grey Man is a hit man who has been hired to find the Greywaren, an object that brings dreams into reality. What he does not know is that the Greywaren is a person. What he does know that Maura Sargent, 300 Fox Way, and Henrietta feel more like home than anywhere he's been in a long time. When the truth comes to the surface, he must decide if he feels brave enough to fight. 

    This book is so good. I had even more fun annotating this one, since there was more to analyze, and a lot of Ada's annotations made connections I hadn't even considered. Blue and Gansey together are so freaking adorable. Ronan and Gansey's friendship is everything. Mr. Grey is an even sweeter hit man than Keanu Reeves in John Wick. And Ronan overall is a glorioius contradiction, especially in his relationship with Kavinsky. Ada really doesn't like Kavinsky, but I think he's one of the most interesting secondary characters in TRC. He's not a good person, but he's written so well I can't help but feel sympathy for him. First of all, unfortunately but unsurprisingly, he seems to me like he's a bit of the caricature of a jewish person. Bulgarian last name, long nose, has a mysterious amount of money and connections and is capable of procuring any illegal substance or object desired . . . feels a little antisemitic on Stiefvater's part. But his character is also gorgeously layered. He's cruel, a player, scary, violent, unapologetic. But he also wants so deeply. He wants Ronan on two levels: as a fellow dreamer, and as a boyfriend. And his hurt when Ronan rejects him sends him to extreme measures, and ultimately to his death. 
    Since most of my thoughts are in the physical book itself, I'm not going to add too much more to the review, but I can't wait until Ada gets her hands on a copy of Blue Lily, Lily Blue and I can continue reading the series. 
    Bilious (adj) affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting (related to bile); spiteful or bad-tempered
    Psychopomp (n) in greek mythology, a guide of souls to the place of the dead; the spiritual guide of a living person's soul
    Amalgam (n) a mixture or blend
    Effete (adj) affected, overrefined, and ineffectual; no longer capable of effective action
    Tachometer (n) an instrument which measures the working speed of an engine in revolutions per minute
    Prurient (adj) having or encouraging excessive interest in sexual matters
    Foibles (n) a minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character
    Pugilistic (adj) related to fistfighting