Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Wicked Saints by Emily Duncan

Young Adult. Fantasy. Romance. War. Morally Grey Characters. 

Rating: 3/5

Pages: 416

Started: 17 July 2022
Finished: 20 July 2022

   Nadya is chosen by the gods. When she prays, they answer, giving her all sorts of power. But with that power comes the responsively to keep her country of Kalyazin safe from the heretical country of Tranavia and under the rule of those same gods. When the monastery she was raised in is sieged by the dreaded  Travanian prince Serefin, she has no choice but to flee. In order to keep her life, her magic, and her county, Nadya must make the dangerous choice of trusting someone. But people can lie, and everyone has their secrets.

   It might be because of my Covid brain fog, but I struggled to even follow the first two thirds of this book. There were a lot of names and characters, and I didn’t care a bit about any of them. Nadya wasn’t badass enough to get cool points, and she was a pretty flat character otherwise. I predicted all the romantic happenings and plot twists, and while the end was more lucid and more interesting, I was still pretty unimpressed. Maybe some day I’ll try to read this book again, and if I like it, I’ll go on to finish the series, but for now I’m letting it go. 

   Profaned (v) treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect
   Recalcitrant (adj) having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline 
   Parse (v) analyze (a sentence) into its parts and describe their syntactic roles 
   Eldritch (adj) weird and sinister or ghostly