Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Flashback by Shannon Messenger (Keeper of the Lost Cities # 7)

Keeper Of The Lost Cities | Flashback | Hello Book Mine
Middle Reader. Fantasy. Magic. 

Rating: 3/5

Started: 28 May
Finished: 30 May

    After another dangerous and disheartening encounter with the Neverseen, Sophie and Fitz are left with a long road to recovery, as well as a cadre of new bodyguards. But despite their injuries--both physical and mental-- they are determined to fight back: they are tired of being one step behind, and are ready to train as much as needed to take the offensive. The Neverseen have complex plans, though, and Sophie and her friends must decide if they are willing to do what it takes to win. 

    The first half of this was one of my favorites in this series so far. All of the training was super cool. But the fights with the Nevereen at the end were basically the same as they were in all the other books, and so it got kind of boring--but my focus this weekend has been horrible, so I might have just missed some important details. I was happy Fitz and Sophie finally got together, since they were pretty cute, even though I'm sure Sophie is going to eventually end up with Keefe. She's going to have a nice little boy-next-door, he's-always-been-there-for-me revelation when the expectations for her being with Fitz get to be too much. 
    I am excited to keep reading the series, though. The cliffhanger at the end of the book was good, and the  books are really quick reads, which I love. I have no regrets about reading this book, but I hope the next one has something newer and more interesting.