Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas (Crescent City # 2)

Fantasy. Urban Fantasy. High Fantasy. Adult. Romance. Rebellion. Detective. Found Family. 

New release!! I've been very excited for this to come out for a long time. I re-read HOSAB in preparation, and have had "HOSAB FEB 15 2022" on my bookshelf light-box for a long time. It took me forever to read, since I've had hours upon hours of homework every night recently, but I finally found the time to read the last 200 pages this morning. 

Rating: 4.5/5

Started: 15 February 2022
Finished: 26 February 2022

    After everything that happened with Micah and the Asteri and the demons from Hel, things have been surprisingly quiet for Bryce. Thought that makes her a little uneasy, she's decided to spend her time getting to know Hunt better—and they've made a pact just for that. For one year, they've agreed: no sex. Just getting used to living normally again, and getting to know each other without rushing anything. 
    But things can never be that easy. Rebel activities are ramping up, and when Bryce discovers that not only was Danika involved with the rebels in some way, but also that an innocent young boy is being thrown into the middle of the violence, she cannot just stand by and watch. 

    To use the popular turn of phrase, I am screaming, crying, throwing up. This entire book was wild, but the end had me literally screeching out loud to the point where my mom was worried something was wrong. I have many, many thoughts. First of all, we have our first queer relationships in all of the SJMverse (can we call it that now? It technically makes sense.) That makes me very happy. It's long overdue, but all three of them seemed pretty well represented, so I'm going to call it progress. I thought it was interesting how this book was again pretty centered on Danika, who is dead and more permanently gone than other dead characters. It actually reminded a lot of Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier because of how important Danika was, despite her death. 
    I went back and forth so many times on who the woman Ruhn was talking to be could be, but just saying, the moment I realized it couldn't be Hypaxia or Celestina, I totally had a feeling that it was the Hind. 
    I had a lot of WTF moments in this book. The other Fendyr heir, the fact that Asteri are bascially power leeches, and the freaking ACOTAR crossover at the end. There was a lot of "what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck" coming from my room when I was reading the last 200 pages, and a lot of nonsensical screaming. So much happened and, while I wasn't in the mood to cry, it made super emotional.
    I'm having a hard time articulating all of my feelings about this, both because it was so wild and long and I read it over such long time span, but also because I'm feeling extremely exhausted and burnt out from school, so doing more things isn't necessarily going to work for me. I will either come back to this post after talking to some friends once they finish the book, though, or reread the book (since I read it so scattered-ly, I definitely want to reread) and analyze it more there. All in all, though, it was quite good, and I am dying to know how the series will continue, both in terms of plot and in terms of how the two plots (ACOTAR and CC—ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!) will play out, and which series will have a new release first.