Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

The Righteous by Renée Adieh (The Beautiful # 3)

Young Adult. Fantasy. Romance. POC Characters. Werewolf. Vampire. Fey. New Orleans. Historical Fiction. 

Note: I was in a huge reading slump this week, and I don't know if this book got me out of it or not, but it took me a long time because my brain is messing with me, not because it was that boring. 

Rating: 4/5

Started: 8 January 2022
Finished: 16 January 2022

    In order to look for her missing best friend, Pippa Monterose decides to step through a magic mirror, not knowing that it leads straight to the dangerous Fey realm beyond their world called the Sylvan Vale. When Arjun Desai, a half-fey on his own mission in the Sylvan Vale, discovers Pippa as she's about to be tortured by a group of malicious fey, he can think of only one solution—to pronounce that they are betrothed, and hope his mother's hate of humans will stop their marriage from ever actually happening. But fey are dangerous creatures, and unpredictable. And while they cannot lie, they are very good at keeping their motives hidden. 
    My biggest issue with this book was the fact that there isn't a synopsis of the first book anywhere. I read The Damned about a year ago, as an audiobook, and barely remember the end, which made reading The Righteous really, really annoying. It also made the fist half of the book feel extremely basic, since I wasn't thinking of it as a continuation of a story, especially since the main characters of the book are Pippa and Arjun, and not Celine and Bastien. 
    HUGE SPOILERS: The second half of the book, though. It was so good. The chemistry of the couples ramped up really nicely, especially for YA, and the characters got more interesting. But more than that, the action at the very end was surprising. I thought this series was going to be a trilogy, so I was not expecting the huge cliffhanger at the end. The fighting at the end which did not resolve would have been enough of a surprise, but the very, very end, after a bunch of fighting (which, I won't lie, I only kind of followed) a new character revealed themself to be the son of the characters from Adieh's first YA series, The Wrath and the Dawn. TWATD was one of the first fantasy books that I ever really loved, so that freaked me the heck out. Now I am super excited for the next book to come out, and I am hoping that I will be able to remember the end of this one enough to be able to follow the plot. 

    Madarchod (slur) literally "mother fucker"
    Hedonism (n) the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence
    Dagged (adj) untidily dressed
    Ennui (n) a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement 
    Fripperies (n) showy or unnecessary ornaments in architecture, dress, or language
    Addlepated (adj) mentally uncertain; addled, confounded, or confused.