Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

Young Adult. Platonic Relationships. Queer Representation. British. Art. Osemanverse.

Rating: 5/5

Started: 14 December
Finished: 15 December

    When she first met him at a school talk, Frances thought that Aled Last seemed boring. Then she discovered that he was the Creator of her favorite thing ever, the podcast Universe City. As Frances began doing art for the podcast and helping Aled plan out new episodes, they became friends. They understood each other. They made eachother feel less weird. They were, in the most platonic way, soul mates. Split aparts. 
    Aled's one rule was that his identity as the Creator could never get out, mostly because he was certain that if his mom found out, she would ruin it. But then it did. And Aled blamed Frances. 
    In this contemporary story of art and friendships, the chracters must reawlize that the path set before them isn't always the best one. 

    I am endlessly glad that Ada recommended this book to me. I love the characters and the plot is everything, but the writing. The writing feels like home. There's something about the openness and Britishness and contemporary turn of phrase that just feels right, and comfortable. I wouldn't say that it feels like it comes from my head, but it fits there, perfectly. There are a ton of IGYTS-isms and the language is extremely The Catcher in the Rye inspired. I honestly don't know how to describe it other than it feels and fits right. It makes me so happy. 
    The excerpts from Universe City are so freaking pretty too. They feel like art; they are art. To be able to listen to the full podcast, I would give all ten fingers. I would give anything. 
    I want to re-read all of the Osemanverse books, and maybe make a map of timelines and how all of the characters fit together, because I think a bunch of different characters are mentioned but I suck at remembering physical character descriptions so I'm not really sure. 
    This read of Radio Silence, I annotated the whole book (and absolutely freaking love how it came out), which means that I don't really have as much to say here, since I said it all on the pages. But this book is perfect.