Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Again Again by E. Lockhart

YA. Realistic Fiction. Romance. Art. Multiverse.

Rating: 4/5

Started: 25 November
Finished: 30 November

    Adelaide has just been dumped by her boyfriend of six months, is on academic probation, has a brother who just got out of rehab for his second time, and will be spending her summer walking dogs and procrastinating on her set design project. But maybe she meets a boy. Maybe she falls in love. Maybe she says the wrong thing, and he stops returning her calls. Maybe they never fall in love at all. Maybe she meets another boy, or doesn't meet a boy at all. There are so many possibilities, so many different ways that things can happen. And, universe by universe, they all do. 

    This book was super weird but also super good. The premise was odd but the writing and the way that it was handled was beautiful. It felt like a mix between IGYTS and a John Green book, which is definitely a good thing. I didn't have a ton of specific thoughts about it, other than really liking it. I loved how artful the writing and themes were. It was very lovely. I think this might have been even better that Frankie Landau-Banks. I hope to re-read it again someday, possibly even buy it. 

    Recalcitrant (adj) uncooperative 
    Cotillion (n) A ball, specifically one involving the introduction of debutantes
    Pedagogical (adj) relating to teaching
    Bonhomie (n) cheerfulness and friendliness; geniality