Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

All The Young Dudes by MsKingBean89

Harry Potter Fanfic. Canon-Compliant. Sirius/Remus. Lily/James.

Technically a fanfic, but whatever. It's 526,000 words. I read it in three days. I'm counting it. 

Rating: 5/5

Started: 15 September
Finished: 19 September (1:45 am)

    Follows the Marauders through their years at Hogwarts and into the War. It's basically cannon compliant, meaning the horrible things that happen to them all ... happen, but so do happy years at Hogwarts. Yeah. 

    Warning: I wrote this while feeling wildly melodramatic: 
    Last night, at 1:45 am, when I finished, I just turned off all my lights, curled into a ball, and laid there. Cried a little bit. Because it hurt so. much. Like, "When I think of you, I can't find the air to breath" kind of hurt. I had a really bad afternoon (forced to have dinner with family friends when I was stressed about homework and my social battery was at zero) so I was hoping for a cathartic cry, but it was more ouch than catharsis. 
    I don't know how to sum up my thoughts about this fanfic. It kind of hurts to think about it, and I don't know if I want to. But this was a true 5 star read. It was incredible. The found family was amazing, the accuracy to the original books was flawless, and the characters and world and events and relationships were everything. It made me actually feel an emotion other than annoyance toward Harry Potter (the character) which is kind of a miracle. It made me feel so much more connected to the HP world. As much as Remus's pain hurt, so did the fact that I am not British or a Marauder. And I really do want to be. I am so jealous of their joking with each other, their nick names and pranks and closeness and understanding of each other, and all their British slang. I'm a mess. 
    Anyways, maybe eventually I'll reread the HP series or, if I am feeling particularly masochistic, the fanfic itself. It was so much pain, but I am endlessly glad that I read it, because it was incredible. 
    Maybe later, after I talk to some friends and put more space between reading it and thinking about it, I can add to this but, for now I'm going to go do my homework and pretend that I'm not a little broken inside. Fun.
Words: (most are very, very British)
    Yob (adj) a rude, noisy, and aggressive young person
    Mercurial (adj) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind
    Decant (v) gradually pour from one container to another
    Jammy (adj) lucky
    Poncy (adj) pretentious or affected 
    Construe (v) interpret
    Leporine (adj) of or resembling of a hare or hares
    Umbrage (n) take offense
    Loquacious (adj) talkative
    Garrulous (adj) talkative or long winded
    Blag (v) to gain acceptance or approval through persuasive banter or conversation; to convince by rhetoric
    Gregarious (adj) sociable
    Armistice (n) truce