Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

The Wicked King by Holly Black (The Folk of Air # 1)

Young Adult. High Fantasy. Enemies to Lovers. Faerie. 

Second read.

Rating: 4.5/5

Started: 28 August
Finished: 29 August

    Cardan is High King of Faerie, and Jude is his master. But ruling, especially through someone else, is not easy. Between Orlaugh, the queen of the Undersea, trying to take power from Cardan and other courts of Faerie constantly undermining him, Jude has to work tirelessly to stay in control. Except when it comes to Cardan, control seems to be one thing she can't find. 
    Even as she navigates the complex politics of Faerie, she has another goal, too: to find a solution that safely delivers her stepbrother, Oak, to the throne after ten years. Cardan is uncomfortably clever and charming. Maddoc is endlessly scheming. Jude must do her best, but is she capable of pulling it off? And what will she have to sacrifice? 

    I have no thoughts but Cardan.
    That's a lie. The plot is kind of genius. Jude is a badass who is kind of a bad person but also kind of a good person? She is super cool. The worldbuilding is glorious. Detailed and full and sharp and natural, not at all stiff and political like some fantasy worlds can to be.
    The writing is super interesting. Jude's voice is pointedly human and flawed, but also tinged with a subtle bit of Faerie, which is cool
    And Cardan. Guyliner. Earrings. Saving Jude even though he doesn't have to. Hating her,  kissing her, hating himself for wanting her. He is so good. He isn't a stereoptypical male Faerie romantic interest at all;  I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's almost more alluring. I really, really love him. I've forgotten at least some of the twists in QON, so I'm very excited to read it.  
    Also: one of my favorite quotes was "I remember what it was to hate him with my whole heart, but I've remembered too late (385). Ahh. 
    Definitely the best book in the Folk of Air trilogy, at least for a re-read.

    Subsurvience (n) willingness to obey others unquestioningly
    Anon (adv) soon, shortly
    Feckless (adj) lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible and lazy
    Cloches (n) a small translucent cover for protecting ourdoor plants; bell- or dome-shaped cover
    Cymophane (n) translucent yellowish stone, also called cat-eye
    Meet (adj) precisely adapted to a particular situation, need, or circumstance
    Munificence (n) the quality or action of being lavishly generous
    Raiment (n) clothing (archaic or literary)
    Tourmaline (n) semi-precious stone, can be in many colors
    Internecine (adj) destructive to both sides in a conflict
    Solicitude (n) care or concern for someone or something
    Countermand (v) revoke an order
    Attenuation (n) the reduction of force, effect, or value of something
    Caprice (n) a sudden and unaccountable change in mood or behaviour
    Blandishments (n) flattering or pleasing statements or actions used to persuade someone gently to do something
    Machinations (n) plots or schemes