Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (The Folk of Air # 1)

Young Adult. Fiction. High Fantasy. Urban Fantasy.  Fae. Morally Grey Characters. Romance. Enemies to Lovers. 

Second Read

Rating: 3.75/5 

Started: 23 August
Finished: 25 August

    Jude Duarte and her sisters were stolen from their human lives and brought to Faerie. Despite being raised as Gentry, despite being taught by a respected general, Jude is mocked and abused for being human. Among her abusers, the worst is Cardan Greenbriar, the sixth Prince in line for the throne. When given an opportunity to prove herself — to be useful, and therefore to be worthy of power — Jude agrees, but bargains in Faerie aren't always safe.

    I really enjoy this book. Jude feels extremely human, which is an interesting contrast to how lush and frightening her world is. Cardan (guyliner!!) is really likeable too, charming but also peevish sometimes. A post I found on Instagram sums it up pretty well: Instead of falling into the trap of having a 100+ year old Fae love interest, Holly Black wrote one who's 19 years old and dumb as shit. I'm very excited to finish my reread of the series.

    Convocation (n) a large formal assembly of people
    Blithe (adj) showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous and improper
    Mislike (n) consider to be unpleasant; dislike (note: used as a part of the Faerie vernacular instead of dislike
    Chalcedony (n) a microcrystalline type of quartz, including onyx, jade, and jasper
    Diaphanous (adj) light, delicate, and translucent
    Vassal (n) a holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance
    Intaglio (n) a design incised or engraved into a material
    Aping (v) imitate the behavior or manner of, especially in an absurd or unthinking way
    Bagged (v) quit; give up on
    Dishabille (n) the state of being only partly or scantily clothed
    Provenance (n) the beginning or origin of something
    Bower (n) a pleasant shady place under trees or climbing plants 
    Demesne (n) land attached to a manor and retained for the owner's use (duh-MAYN)
    Baroque (adj) relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries, characterized by ornate detail; highly ornate and extravagant in style
    Somnolent (adj) sleepy; drowsy
    Andirons (n) metal supports, typically in pairs, holding burning wood in a fireplace (and-eye-ern)
    Gorge (n) the throat; the contents of the stomach
    Maunder (v) talk in a rambling manner
    Ensorcell (v) enchant; fascinate
    Cabochon (n) a gem polished but not faceted (cab-uh-shon)
    Declaiming (v) utter or deliver words or a speech in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience
    Folly (n) a theatrical revenue with glamorous female performers
    Rouncy (n) middle aged term for an ordinary, all-purpose horse
    Falchion (n) a one-handed, single edged sword of European origin, with a design reminiscent of the modern machete.