Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston

New Adult. Romance. Magical Realism. wlw.

Rating: 4/5

Started: 10 August
Finished: 11 August

    August spent her childhood as more of an assistant in her mother's hunt for her missing brother than a daughter. Their house was a shrine to their search; their relationship a dysfunctional mimic of Gilmore Girls. So it made sense that, when she left for school, August would strive to live without crime, and without really putting down roots anywhere. And so she has bounced from school to school, degree to degree, without really staying. And then she arrives in New York. She moves in with a independent, messy, warm group of people who instantly incorporate her into their lives. She meets a girl, a hot girl, on a train. Except the girl isn't from 2021.

    Gah. This book was very good. It was so good. The found family was impeccable and started so quickly. Jane was good. There were no dumb choices, no moments of anxiety for me. Wes reminded me of David, but somehow even better. There was a fucking heist. There was a psychic. Drag queens. Fundraisers and parties and success and this sort of realistic forward motion to the book that made it feel hopeful even when it wasn't. This book wasn't quite as good as RWRB, but man, was it something. 

    Nepotism (n) a form of favoritism granted to relatives and friends