Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

A Study In Charlotte by Brittney Cavillaro (Charlotte Holmes # 1)

Young Adult. Murder Mystery. Sherlock Holmes. 

Read as an audiobook during road trip to Arizona. Second read.

Rating: 3.5/5

Started: 24 July
Finished: 27 July

Summary: When Jamie Watson, descendant of Dr. Watson, of Sherlock Holmes fame, runs in to Charlotte Holmes, descendant of the legendary detective of 221 Baker Street, he is taken aback. He's heard about Charlotte all his life, of course: read articles about the murders she's solved, the stolen goods she's located. But he didn't expect to run into her between classes at his Connecticut boarding school. And he certainly didn't expect to be framed along side her for the murder of a classmate. When they discover the murder mimicked several aspects of a Sherlock Holmes story, Jamie and Charlotte decide they must solve the murder before they are put in jail. But between Charlotte's difficult personality —  she is a Holmes, after all —  and the school's suspicion, it won't be simple.

Thoughts: I like this book. I like Holmes and Watson's relationship when they are getting along — its super cute — and I like Holmes complexities and darkness and cleverness. The mystery is good, and more action-packed than the original stories, which makes for more exciting fiction. It isn't a particularly life-changing book, but it is genuinely good. My family complained that the mystery got started too late, but I disagreed: I thought that the normal life of Watson and Holmes was more compelling than the mystery. Either way, solid book. It was a good choice for a family audiobook except for a few romance moments, but oh well.