Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (Six of Crows Duology # 2)

Young Adult. Fantasy. Heist. Found Family

Nth reread, read out loud with Rachel

Rating: 5/5

Started: 30 June
Finished: 19 July

     After pulling off the Ice Court Heist, Kaz and his crew should have been kings and queens of the barrel. Instead, they are being hunted by merchers, barrel bosses, and several governments. To save the captured Wraith, stay alive, and get their reward, they must come up with an even more daring plan, a swindle to get what they are owed and to break Van Eck in the process.

     Ma'am. Ms. Bardugo. This book has my soul. It owns my soul. It is my soul. Nina and her wooly sweater vests. Matthias the big brooding yellow tulip. Wylan. Jesper Llewelyn Fahey. Inej Ghafa — are people allowed to be that strong? — and Kaz Brekker, traumatized, poisonous, is my tie straight. This read was harder because I couldn't cry, and I absolutely broke Rachel. This review is not a review. This is a jumble of thoughts full of my love and gratitude for this gorgeous book. God. Dunyasha. Kaz's trauma. Kaz's strength. My one and only complaint: why was there a chapter of satisfaction between the death and the funeral?! If I'm going to cry, I need to keep it going, not get interrupted by a horribly satisfying breakdown of a previously respectable merch. Aside from that, I have no words because this book took all of them. To anyone looking to read this book, do. Please. But prepare for pain. 
God, it's good.
    Also, while reading the very end out loud, we made a cake. It's a The Lives of Saints cake. Rachel frosted it. It is glorious. 

    Lien (n) a charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or duty ordinarily arising by operation of law
    Maudlin (adj) drunk enough to be emotionally silly; weak and effusively sentimental
    Effrontery (n) shameless boldness
    Expedient (adj) suitable for achieving a particular end in a given circumstance; characterized by concern with what is opportune
    Penitent (adj) feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
    Accrued (adj) (of a benefit or sum of money) recieved or accumulated in regular or increasing amounts over time
    Cupola (n) a small dome on top of a larger dome adorning a roof or ceiling —  kyoo-puh-luh