Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat (Captive Prince Trilogy # 1)

New Adult. Fantasy. Romance. 

Rating: 3/5 

Started: July 7
Finished: July 9

    After his brother fakes his death and steals his throne, Damen is sold as a slave to a warring country with a vibrant yet carnal culture so different from his own. Forced to weigh the prospects of escape, aid for the other slaves brought over from his home country, and his hatred for Laurent, the handsome but frigid man who holds Damen's leash, Damen must learn to bargain for survival.

    Very. Explicit. From the get-go, the author did not shy away from anything, but all of the explicit scenes were more brutal -- and brutish-- than romantic, which I definitely found interesting. The passion and color of the worldbuilding was the best part: The court tactics were pretty dull and basic, but something about the carnality of the world was very enticing. It was interesting to have a macho male warrior as a protagonist instead of as a love interest, but Damen himself was a pretty bland character. On the other hand, Laurent was a quite compelling character. Thanks to Andrew Minyard, I have a thing for blonde sociopaths, and Laurent actually reminded me of Andrew more than any other character I've come across, which was cool. I definitely liked him best out of all of the characters. One thing I didn't like beside how basic the plot was, was how helpless every character I liked was. There was no power, which is something I put a lot of stock in. Despite the fact that explicit fantasy authors are sometimes looked down on, the writing itself was pretty nice. The author used a huge array of vocabulary I had never heard before. Aside from that, though, the plot as a whole was disappointingly basic. I intend to finish the series, but I doubt it will become a favorite.

    Efface (v) erase (a mark) from a surface
    Esurient (adj) hungry or greedy
    Munificent (adj) very liberal in giving or bestowing
    Pellucid (adj) easy to understand
    Intaglio (n) an engraving below the surface so that the impression reveals the image in relief
    Elan (n) vigorous spirit or enthusiasm
    Ribald (adj) marked by coarseness or lewdness    
    Craven (adj) lacking the least bit of courage; contemptibly fainthearted
    Obeisance (n) acknowledgement of another's superiority or importance
    Divertissement (n) a short dance sequence used as an interlude
    Quiescent (n) marked by inactivity or repose; tranquilly at rest
    Prevarication (v) to deviate from the truth
    Prosaic (adj) relating to prose rather than poetry; dull or unimaginitive
    Susurration (n) a whispering sound
    Marmoreal (adj) suggestive marble, specifically in coldness or aloofness
    Coalesce (v) to grow together    
    Feted (v) to honor with a party
    Unequivocally (adj) in a manner which leaves no doubt
    Peripatetic (adj) of or related to walking
    Livery (n) identifying design -- lih-vuh-ree 
    Loggia (n) a roofed open gallery
    Couched (v) to phrase or express in a specific manner
    Riposte (n) a retaliatory verbal sally
    Catamite (n) a boy kept by a pedophile
    Fractious (adj) tending to be troublesome
    Aseptic (adj) preventing infection    
    Requisite (adj) needed for a particular purpose
    Damascened (v) to ornament something (such as steel) with a wave-like pattern similar to watered silk
    Febrile (adj) marked or caused by fever
    Idiosyncrasies (n) a peculiarity of constitution or temperament; an individualizing quality 
    Beetling (adj) jutting
    Machicolation (n) openings in a building for discharging missiles
    Somnolent (adj) of a kind likely to induce sleep
    Intractable (adj) not easily governed, managed, or directed
    Censure (v) a judgement involving condemnation
    Beleaguered (adj) suffering or being subjected to repeated or constant trouble or harassment
    Avuncular (adj) suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality 
    Winnowing (v) remove by a current of air
    Exonerate (v) to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
    Obfuscate (v) to throw into shadow; to darken
    Indolently (adj) averse to activity, effort, or movement; habitually lazy