Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater (The Dreamer Trilogy # 1)

Young Adult. Fantasy. 

Rating: 3.5/5

Started: July 11
Finished: July 22

    "The Lynch brothers. The brothers Lynch." The rest of the Raven boys have moved on — Gansey and Blue exploring, Adam at Cambridge — but Ronan can't seem to leave The Barns. Declan Lynch, despite working his whole life to be as singularly boring as possible, can't stop himself from doing extraordinary things like going to a magical market and loving art more than anything. Matthew Lynch can't keep his feet planted: every time he spaces out, his feet draw him to the waterfall. There are others, too: A girl and all the dream copies of herself that she doesn't want to keep making. One of the dream copies who doesn't really want to be a dream. A voice called Bryde. And the there's the organization dedicated to finding and killing them. 

    This book took me forever, because there wasn't a part of the plot that I felt pressed to discover or understand. It was good: Maggie Stiefvater's style in this series is unbelievably lovely — whimsical and simply factual at the same time — and the characters and plots were interesting. But I never got past interesting. I never really cared. I was a spectator, rather than along for the ride, and while that does work, I prefer to feel more involved. That being said, I intend to read Mr. Impossible as soon as I can get my hands on a copy.

    Geriatric (adj) of, relating to, or appropriate for elderly people [jeh-ree-at-rik] 
    Diffident (adj) hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence
    Dubstep (n) a type of electronic dance music having prominent base lines and syncopated drum patterns
    Punters (n) a person who gambles, especially one who bets against a bookmaker
    Conflate (v) to bring together
    Somnolent (adj) of a kind likely to induce sleep; inclined to or heavy with sleep
    Salaciously (adj) arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination
    Arcane (adj) known or knowable to only a few people
    Diaphanous (adj) characterize by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through it; characterized by extreme delicacy of form; insubstantial; vague 
    Puerile (adj) juvenile; childish; silly [pyoo-ruhl]
    Infirmity (n) the quality or state of being feeble from age or weak of mind, will, or character
    Geis (n) an Irish idiosyncratic taboo, whether of obligation or prohibition
    Blarney (n) skillful flattery
    Geasa (n) plural of geis
    Finial (n) a crowning ornament or detail
    Caustic (adj) capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action; marked by impressively direct and decisive sarcasm
    Picosecond (n) one trillionth of a second
    Maligned (adj) spoken about in an injurious way; harshly or unfairly criticized
    Ephemeral (adj) lasting a very short time 
    Omnipresent (adj) present in all places at all times 
    Id (n) the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of the psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives
    Lithographs (n) a print made by printing from a plane surface on which the image to be printed is ink-receptive and the blank area is ink-repellent
    Bidet (n) a bathroom fixture especially for bathing the external genitals and anal region
    Maladjusted (adj) lacking harmony with one's environment from failure to adjust one's desires to the conditions of one's life
    Yob (n) a rude, noisy and aggressive young person (British) 
    Psychopomp (n) a conductor of souls to the afterworld
    Antediluvian (adj) of or relating to the period before the flood described in the Bible
    Machinations (n) a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end [mak-uh-nay-shuns]
    Reticent (adj) inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech; reserved 
    Ocarinas (n) simple wind instruments typically having an oval body with finger holes and a projecting mouthpiece
    Disseminating (v) to spread abroad as though sowing seed; to disperse throughout
    Paucity (n) smallness of number or quantity
    Clarion (n) a small medieval trumpet with clear, shrill tones; the sound of or as if of a clarion
    Recce (n) reconnaissance [reh-kay]