Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater (The Raven Cycle # 2)

Young Adult. Fantasy. Urban Fantasy.

Started: April 28
Finished: June 19

    While Adam struggles to understand what being connected to Cabeswater means, Gansey and Blue search for Cabeswater itself, Noah dissapears constantly, and Ronan experiments with his ability to bring dream objects into the real world, the Grey Man is in Henrietta hunting for a mysterious object called the Greywaren. Everyone is searching for something, but they all have to decide what they are willing to do in order to find it.

    I love Ronan and Kavinsky and the witches at 300 Fox Way, but I'm sadly not-attached to the rest of the characters. The magic system is interesting but Adam especially feels really dry to me, and I am kind of just waiting for scenes with Ronan as I read, which is not fun. I'm going to continue the series with the hope that I will start liking it more as I read. 

New Words:
    Bildungsroman (noun) a novel about the moral and psychological growth of the main character
    Prurient (adj) marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire
    Amorphous (adj) having no definite form
    Kinetics ?
    Cumulonimbus (noun) cloud having a low base and often spread out in the shape of an anvil extending to great heights
    Discomfiting (adv) relating to a state of perplexity and embarrassment