Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman

Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater (The Raven Cycle # 3)

Young Adult. Fantasy. Urban Fantasy.

Rating: 3/5

Started: 20 June
Finished: 21 June

Summary: With Maura gone and the Grey Man's boss in town, Blue and the Raven Boys must work with the other residents of 300 Fox Way to hone their powers so that they can explore Cabeswater and find Glendower. 

Thoughts: Some parts of this book were exciting, some visually stunning, some dry. The writing was consistently complex and lovely (I don't think I've ever pulled this much vocabulary from YA before) though. There were very few smiley character moments, but I loved Dittley to pieces, so there was that. The relationships build weirdly, and unimportant moments are told in detail and then important ones are just summarized, but some of the relationships are starting to build sweetly. Character's reactions to things are often utterly illogical, but I think that's on purpose? I will probably never revisit this series — its not good enough for that — but the writing is very pretty, so I intend to finish the series, if nothing else. 

New Words:
    Expatriate eks-pay-tree-it (n) a person who lives in a foreign country
    Consternation (n) amusement or dismay that hinders or throws into confusion
    Visage (n) the face, countenance, or appearance of something
    Ignominy (n) deep personal humiliation or disgrace
    Ardent (adj) characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity
    Environs (adj) the districts around a city; surroundings; vicinity
    Omniscience (n) quality or state of having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight
    Rarified (adj) being less dense; of, relating to, or interesting a select group; very high
    Credulous (adj) ready to believe especially on sight or uncertain evidence
    Mitigate (v) to cause to become less harsh or hostile; to mollify; to make less severe or painful
    Utilitarian (n) advocate of utilitarianism, the theory that the aim of an action should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain or the greatest happiness of the greatest number
    Liminal (adj) of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold, barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response; between states
    Epoch (n) an event or time marked by an even that begins a new period or development
    Prognostication (n) an indication in advance; an act of foretelling from signs or symptoms
    Salient (adj) moving by leaps or springs; standing out conspicuously
    Litigation (n) the act, process, or practice of settling a dispute in a court of law
    Patina (n) a usually green film formed naturally on copper and bronze by long exposure or artificially, often valued aesthetically for its color; surface appearance of something grown beautiful with age or use
    Excise (v) to remove as or if by cutting out
    Effigy (n) image or representation, especially of a person; a crude figure representing a hated person
    Vacuous vah-kyoo-uhs (adj) emptied or lacking content
    Mercurial (adj) characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood
    Preclude (v) to make impossible by necessary consequence; rule out in advance
    Minced (v) walked daintily
    Repository (n) a place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored
    Dormer (n) a window set vertically in a structure projecting through a sloping roof
    Spuriously (adj) outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having it's genuine qualities
    Vertiginous (adj) causing or tending to cause dizziness
    Immutable (adj) not capable of or susceptible to change
    Alimony (n) an allowance made to one spouse by the other for support pending or after legal   separation or divorce
    Excelsior (n) latin: higher 
    Transmuting (v) changing or altering in form, appearance,,  or nature, especially to a higher form
    Manky (adj) slang for something dirty or rotten
    Disparate (adj) markedly distinct in quality or character; containing or made up of fundamental, different and often incongruous elements
    Chitinous (adj) relating to a material that forms part of the hard outer integument especially of insects, arachnids, and crustaceans